Cherish your health, count on the support of drinking water alarm
Drink Water,
You know that water is very important for your health? But forgets to drink water during the day!
Drink Water Alarm will remind you from time to time, during the intervals you set. The alarm does not bother you during your sleep
Install and receive alarms that remind you to drink water! Click on the reminder and read and share health information
Benefits of drinking water
• Health and beauty. Restores energy and promotes the proper functioning of muscles and nerves, is beneficial for the skin, hydrate and flush toxins from burning cells
• the vital function of many organs depends on the amount of water in the body 60 ~ 70% of our organism are composed of water
• Concentration. Water has fundamental interest in brain activity and function of the nervous system
• Water is important for the digestion, regulates body temperature, ensure the health of the kidneys, bladder and prostate and the absorption of oxygen by the lungs
Cherish your health, count on the support of drinking water alarm
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